The Mathematics Curriculum at The Pines:
Mathematics is an integral aspect of everyday life as we investigate and communicate about our world and turn experience into understanding. Through the teaching of maths, we aim to enable our pupils to make sense of the world in which they live and to be able to contribute to the community that they are a part of. We support pupils to develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics and have high expectations for all.
Mathematics is a tool for everyday life, therefore teaching at The Pines is practical and as realistic as possible. We encourage pupils to acquire numeracy skills, to think and reason mathematically and to develop and apply functional problem-solving skills in real life contexts. We ensure all pupils gain an accredited qualification in maths, though GCSE, Entry Level or ASDAN when they leave The Pines and are suitably prepared for their next stage and life after The Pines. We aim to enable pupils to develop the mathematical skills needed to lead as independent lives as possible. The teaching of Mathematics is the responsibility of all staff.
At The Pines, we aim to provide pupils with the tools for exploring, investigating and understanding the world around them to be able to lead a life after school which is as independent as possible. We want pupils to develop a positive and confident attitude towards mathematics to empower every pupil to fulfil their full potential. We aim to make our maths lessons ‘real’, making our learning and experiences relevant to their everyday life. Activities are planned to be stimulating and structured to help children develop competence and confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills. We aim to develop pupils’ ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. We aim to develop the use of mathematical vocabulary in order to describe and communicate ideas and to work with increased independence and in cooperation with others.
The curriculum is carefully designed to allow pupils to revisit key knowledge, understanding and skills in different contexts throughout their current year and across the whole school curriculum with increasing difficulty and challenge. Teachers ensure pupils engage in mathematics at levels appropriate to their individual developmental needs, pupils begin accessing mathematical learning through sensory exploration and play with opportunities gradually becoming more concrete, pictorial and then abstract. Mathematical language is interwoven and taught explicitly. As pupils’ knowledge and skills develop, learning becomes more abstract with representational thought. Children develop an understanding of mathematical concepts through the three steps (or representation) of a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach. Reinforcement is achieved by going back and forth between these representations. Throughout the curriculum, teachers ensure they identify how maths is important to our everyday lives and is a vital employability skill.
Maths is taught daily across the school and pupils follow the National Curriculum or are working within Pre National Curriculum outcomes. The school have a well-developed range of resources which are used by teachers to ensure skills are taught in a way that is meaningful and relevant to individual pupils, taking into consideration their developmental stage, age and learning style. Through careful teaching we will develop pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem, by giving them enjoyable and positive learning. Lessons will be engaging and exciting and use a variety of approaches, visual stimuli and resources that meet our pupils’ needs. Mathematics is integrated through all curriculum areas, so that pupils can begin to make meaningful links between different learning experiences. We use our school calculation policy to ensure there is a consistent approach in teaching formal methods and use of the CPA approach. We ensure that the curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of each child while developing their skills and understanding at an appropriate level. We ensure that pupils achieve an externally accredited qualification in Mathematics by the end of Key Stage 4 and have the skills needed for life after The Pines.
The key aim of the Early Years curriculum is to provide high-quality play with planning based on themes, allowing pupils a holistic approach to learning. Planning for the specific area of Maths aims to guide the pupils to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills whilst supporting their numerical and spatial awareness. Within the continuous provision (activities provided throughout the day indoors and out), children have the opportunity to engage with mathematical concepts through exploring and playing with a wide range of resources and materials. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their understanding, self-expression, and ability to communicate mathematical ideas by engaging with play that is child-led, play which is sensitively supported and extended by adults, and play that is guided towards specific educational outcomes.
Pupils make good progress within maths. When they leave the school, all pupils are able to achieve an accredited qualification in maths. All pupils have access to a rich curriculum that enables them to develop key mathematical life skills needed future success and that they have access to experiences to improve their cultural capital. Pupils understand maths is an essential everyday life skill that we rely on in many areas of life and work and they understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning. Pupils develop their fluency, competency and efficiency within maths and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. They develop their ability to recall facts and procedures, including the recollection of times tables and will develop their ability to recognise relationships and make connections in maths.