The Computing Curriculum at The Pines
Our Computing curriculum aims to enable our pupils by giving them the skills and experiences needed to achieve the best possible outcomes in a connected world. We prioritise Online Safety and digital wellbeing to ensure that pupils can achieve and enjoy technology safely. Effective learning is achieved through tailoring learning in Computing to the individual learning needs of our pupils. We use technology meaningfully to support and enable learning throughout the curriculum. The safe use of technology is considered whenever technology is used in the day. By working closely with our families and our school and wider community, we equip pupils with the skills and experiences needed to achieve and enjoy in the digital age.
To support individuals in becoming:
- Confident in using a range of technologies safely and purposefully.
- Able to make use of technology to support and develop their communication.
- Skilled in using the Internet and a wide range of varied hardware and software, that enables them to achieve and enjoy throughout their education and beyond.
At The Pines School we believe that Computing is an essential part of the curriculum; a subject that not only stands alone but is woven into all other subjects and should be an integral part of all learning. Computing, in general, is a significant part of everyone’s daily life and children should be at the forefront of new technology, with a thirst for learning new skills. Computing within our school therefore provides learning opportunities and transferable skills explicitly within the Computing lesson and helps children to understand how the world around them works.
We have designed our Computing curriculum so that our learners will:
- Benefit from using technology safely, for learning and leisure, both at school and at home.
- Use technology to engage pupils in stimulating and varied learning across the curriculum.
- Engage in purposeful and meaningful use of a variety of stimulating hardware and software.
- Use technology to enable pupils and develop in their ability to effectively communicate throughout their education and into adulthood.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In Early Years our pupils follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Computing in EYFS is centred around play-based activities that focus on building the children’s listening skills, curiosity, creativity and problem solving. Opportunities to develop computing skills will be offered as part of the departments continuous provision.
These include:
- Using digital cameras and iPads to take photos.
- Exploring programmable floor robots using Bee-Bots.
- Exploring programs on the iPads.
- Use technology to listen to music.
- Playing games on the interactive whiteboard.
- Exploring an old typewriter or other mechanical toys.
- Watching video clips.
KS1, KS2 and KS3
At The Pines we follow the Sheffield SEND Scheme of Work for our Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 pupils which takes into account the Early Learning Goals and each Key Stages rolling programmes along with the hardware and software available throughout the school. Links are also made to the NCCE Teach Computing Curriculum to extend and challenge learning opportunities for all learners. Online Safety units are also included which will be regularly covered throughout each year. By following this program, the staff will ensure that all areas of the computing curriculum will be covered, and the key skills built upon.
Children are taught the following key skills in computing:
- What is a Computer?: from exploring to knowing the parts of a computer.
- Multimedia: accessing a range of multimedia content to selecting media to present information.
- Data: choosing media to collecting data, presenting and evaluating it.
- Programming and Algorithms: repeating an action for a response to programming a device.
In Key Stage 4 pupils work towards their Entry Level qualification by completing units, such as, Presentation, Online Basics, Using Emails, Imaging Software, IT Fundamentals, Spreadsheets and Word.
Our curriculum develops the independent living skills of our pupils and ensures that they are equipped with the necessary computing skills which are needed for the technological world in which we live in today.
Our main aim for Computing is for children to transfer this knowledge and have the confidence to implement these skills in functional everyday situations. We want them to:
- Be aware of the need to stay safe and become increasingly confident in using a range of technologies safely and purposefully.
- Be able to recognise technology at home, at school and in the wider world, and will be able to use it purposefully.
- Be able to use different technologies to support, enhance and enable effective communication.
- Be experienced in using a varied range of hardware and software for learning and for use beyond education.
Computing Curriculum Overviews
Computing Knowledge OverviewPlease click on the links below for more information about the following: