The Mathematics Curriculum at The Pines:
At The Pines School Maths at is taught daily and children have the opportunity to learn in a wide range of contexts. We focus on developing mathematic skills needed for everyday living. We teach mathematics skills across the curriculum at a level appropriate for each individual child’s stage of learning. It is important that all pupils develop and apply a level of numerical understanding and skills in order to enable them to confidently solve problems in a variety of curriculum contexts and to cope with practical mathematical demands of everyday life both now and for adulthood. The focus on Numeracy skills does not just take place in Numeracy sessions it takes place in all subjects where pupils are expected to apply numerical and problem solving skills.
Children will access a progressive and sequential curriculum which uses strategies such as visualisation (CPA) before moving onto reasoning and problem solving in an aim to develop mastery of key concepts. Children will experience why Maths is important in their own lives and learn to apply these skills to real life situations. The curriculum has a strong focus on Number and development of mathematical skills which will help them in life. It aims to support the development of a range of Mathematical vocabulary to support their communication needs.
Our main goal is to give pupils the opportunity to develop their understanding of basic Number and Calculations so that they are able to live more independent lives. We want pupils to develop their confidence and vocabulary so that they can start to explain, reason and solve problems in Maths and everyday life (including telling the time and different methods of payment). We want them to become more flexible thinkers and learn that there is more than one way to solve a problem.
Maths is delivered on a daily basis with a strong focus on areas such as Number, Calculations, and developing key mathematical life skills. Children have opportunities to progress through different visualisations (CPA) to develop fluency and will also develop understanding of Mathematical vocabulary. Children are suitably prepared for the pathways in KS4 and accreditation through ASDAN, Entry Level or GCSE.
We aim to enable children to have a good understanding of basic Number and Calculations so that they can build their long term memory and use these skills in real life situations whilst transitioning from EYFS through Primary and Secondary and onto KS4 accreditation and beyond The Pines environment to enable them to live more independent lives. We aim to enable children to be able to reason, explain and solve real-life problems. We want them to be able to build their resilience and ability to try different methods. We want our pupils to make progress in Maths and be challenged to achieve ambitions outcomes at the end of KS4.